How autonomous regulation valves work ?

Using available volumes in wastewater networks

F-Reg supports local authorities and operators in setting up storage areas directly in the pipes of collection networks by installing autonomous hydrodynamic valves, a device developed and patented by F-Reg to prevent wastewater overflow and pollutant discharges into the natural environment. Self-contained hydrodynamic valves are designed to meet :

Operating principle of autonomous hydrodynamic valves


The F-Reg valve controls the loading of the upstream pipe to mobilise its full volume. It is extremely simple to operate, requiring neither electricity nor supervision. The valve is controlled by the head of water upstream, which generates the necessary force on the cylinders to open the gate. It is therefore the water pressure that drives the autonomous hydrodynamic valve and controls its flow.

The valve remains closed until a maximum water level is reached, as calculated upstream by our hydraulic engineers. When the water reaches this level, the control valve opens automatically to regulate the flow and prevent any overflow.

The calibrated orifice located at the bottom of the hydrodynamic valve allows a dry weather flow to pass through, guaranteeing normal operation of the network.

Technical characteristics of the patented valve

Our autonomous hydrodynamic valves are manufactured in France and made to measure from 316L stainless steel parts.

  • a valve body designed to fit directly into a chamber or manhole.
  • a moving gate leaf that opens according to the head of water upstream, allowing the regulated flow rate to pass through.
  • cylinders specifically designed to control the opening of the mobile gate leaf.
  • a custom-calibrated orifice that allows a nozzle or dry weather flow to pass through.

Our autonomous hydrodynamic valves are all certified (Environmental Technology Verification). Verification number : VN20180034


The F-Reg valve, an alternative and complementary solution to stormwater basins

bassin de retention

The autonomous hydrodynamic valve, long put forward as an alternative to the retention basin because it is less expensive, quicker to install and much more environmentally friendly, has recently found a new use : helping to fill retention basins.

Our teams are now faced with two different problems :

Support from A to Z

F-Reg supports you from start to finish with your network storage project, both for existing networks and for new projects : pre-project phase, studies, installation of autonomous hydrodynamic valves and maintenance to ensure optimum efficiency and meet field requirements.

On new structures

F-Reg valves can be easily integrated into a development project and complement infiltration solutions to limit surface flooding and/or network loading. By reducing rainwater run-off downstream, the use of an infiltration system combined with F-Reg hydrodynamic valves prevents the road surface from being overloaded by rainwater returning to the ground. This solution completes the compensation for the waterproofing of a roadway. Retention valves simply require a manhole or square chamber to be installed, depending on the diameter of the pipe.

On existing networks

vanne-installee-dans- reseau-existant

The F-Reg teams use the latest technologies to design and adapt its systems to existing buildings. The aim is to minimise the amount of work required to implement these solutions.

  • 3D scan measurements
  • Digital data processing
  • 3D design (CAD)

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