F-Reg networked storage solutions

Specialist in the dynamic and autonomous management of wastewater networks

vanne 3D stockage en réseau

F-Reg offers a wide range of network storage solutions to regulate peak flows in rainwater collection networks, as well as to capture and limit the discharge of macro-waste into the natural environment. We work on new projects or directly on existing structures.

To meet the needs of each project and adapt to different configurations, our teams carry out a complete analysis of your collection network using various studies carried out beforehand (plans, hydraulic report, topographical data, etc.).

vanne 3D stockage en réseau

Products adapted to every hydraulic problem

Reduce peak flows and overflows

Discover all our network storage solutions for preventing flooding and reducing network overflows during periods of heavy rain.

Vanne hydrodynamique autonome de régulation

Vanne Hydrodynamique Autonome de Régulation (VHA REG)​

Seuil hydrodynamique basculant

Seuil Hydrodynamique basculant
(SH B)

Vanne hydrodynamique pilotée

Vanne Hydrodynamique Pilotée

Combating macro waste and dumping in the natural environment

Discover all our solutions for preventing pollutants from being discharged into the natural environment, either upstream or downstream of your wastewater networks.

Piège à macro déchets à surverse

Piège à macro-déchets à surverse

Piège à macro déchets à cadre basculant

Piège à macro-déchets basculant

Piège à macro déchets avec vanne

Piège à macro-déchets à vanne


Panier anti-déchets (PAD)



Maintaining your networks

Discover all our network storage solutions to keep your networks running at peak performance and prevent clogging.

Vanne hydrodynamique autonome de chasse

Vanne Hydrodynamique Autonome de Chasse (VHA C)

Vanne hydrodynamique autonome brise vitesse

Vanne Hydrodynamique Autonome Brise Vitesse (VHA BV)

Compensating for urban waterproofing

Discover our retention solution to limit the consequences of over-sealing of soil directly into your sewer system.

Vanne hydrodynamique de rétention

Vanne Hydrodynamique Autonome de Rétention (VHA RET)

Reducing odours and nuisances

Discover our odour trap solution to limit odour nuisance.

Piège anti-odeurs

Piège anti-odeurs

The benefits of F-Reg products

Icone écologique


Our solutions reduce the carbon footprint associated with the works by a factor of 20 compared with the creation of a retention basin. They reduce pollutant discharges and the dumping of macro-waste. F-Reg valves also help to improve the quality of the natural environment (fauna, flora, biodiversity, bathing spots).

Icone argent


Local authorities and operators can save up to 10 times their investment (excluding the purchase of land) and minimise operating costs, for a result similar to that of a retention basin.

Icone infini


F-Reg products are made from 316L STAINLESS STEEL, durable and infinitely recyclable. They can be adapted and upgraded over time. Our solutions are part of a sustainable development approach, responding to SDG 6 (sustainable development goal).


Icone conformité


F-Reg solutions enable local authorities to bring their wastewater networks into line with legal regulations (in particular the decree of 21 July 2015).


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