Storm and sewage water flow regulation

Reducing urban flooding and avoiding the discharge of thousands of m³ of untreated wastewater into the natural environment with autonomous valves.

F-Reg, it's ...

solutions installed
m3 of volumes stored
100 local authorities supported

About us

F-Reg solutions transform your wastewater and stormwater collection networks into flow regulators, using the volumes of existing pipes as temporary storage areas to prevent overflows and frequent flooding and combat polluting discharges.

The autonomous hydrodynamic valves allow:

Why choose F-Reg ?

A new way of looking at our networks

An ecological and economical alternative to storm water basins

The wastewater treatment sector has long considered the creation of retention basins to be the only viable and effective solution for storing volumes of water. This approach is costly and time-consuming to implement, and requires a lot of land from local authorities. The F-Reg solution, a disruptive innovation in stormwater and wastewater regulation, has totally transformed this vision by introducing the innovative concept of networked storage. Our valves offer a new function for existing collection networks, thanks to their ability to store water directly within the pipes. They enable local authorities and cities to regulate water and effectively combat pollution of our ecosystems.

The benefits of network storage

The autonomous hydrodynamic valve, a solution :

Icone écologique


Our solutions reduce the carbon footprint associated with the works by a factor of 20 compared with the creation of a retention basin. They reduce pollutant discharges and the dumping of macro-waste. F-Reg valves also help to improve the quality of the natural environment (fauna, flora, biodiversity, bathing spots).

Icone argent


Local authorities and operators can save up to 10 times their investment (excluding the purchase of land) and minimise operating costs, for a result similar to that of a retention basin.

Icone infini


F-Reg products are made from 316L STAINLESS STEEL, durable and infinitely recyclable. They can be adapted and upgraded over time. Our solutions are part of a sustainable development approach, responding to SDG 6 (sustainable development goal).

Icone conformité


F-Reg solutions enable local authorities to bring their wastewater networks into line with legal regulations (in particular the decree of 21 July 2015). 

What our customers say

Tailor-made and adaptable control valves

Vanne de rétention à Marseille
Piège à macro-déchets installé à Bordeaux
Vanne pilotée installée à Chambéry
Seuil hydrodynamique basculant
Vanne antipol installée à Vendin le vieil
Vanne de rétention à Marseille
Piège à macro-déchets installé à Bordeaux
Vanne pilotée installée à Chambéry
Seuil hydrodynamique basculant
Vanne hydrodynamique pilotée
Vanne antipol installée à Vendin le vieil

Need more information ?
Let's contact us !

Discover the concept of networked storage and the efficiency of F-Reg solutions! Let’s discuss your issues and find the best solution to meet current and future environmental challenges.

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