Emmanuel and Thierry, the two co-founders of F-Reg, have over 20 years’ experience in the water sector as urban hydraulics engineers in consultancy firms, local authorities and as network operators. Regularly confronted in their respectives missions with the problems of flooding, overflows and polluting discharges into natural environments, and faced with a continuous increase in the impermeability of territories, a crucial question has arisen: “How can we manage run-off while at the same time optimising the operation of sewage networks, which become saturated and overflow during rainfall?“
Our vision
F-REG was created to improve people’s quality of life and adapt our society to climate change. As part of a sustainable development approach, we enable urban development that respects the environment and its territories : by improving the operation of rainwater and wastewater networks in the same way as road regulation, which intelligently manages the flow of traffic.
This commitment is also reflected within the company:
Contract for Employment and Regional Business Development
F-Reg : technology to meet a dual objective
To meet these challenges, Emmanuel and Thierry decided to develop an innovative, easy-to-implement solution. After 4 years of R&D, the autonomous hydrodynamic valve was born as part of a continuous improvement approach, offering an effective and sustainable response to the challenges of stormwater management.
The VHA, a pioneering and disruptive innovation in the wastewater treatment market, offers a modern approach to urban water management. F-Reg systems are designed to meet the following objectives:
To combat flooding by controlling surface run-off and using the available volume of the networks.
Support local authorities in their efforts to achieve compliance by combating polluting discharges.
Limit the amount of land required by making the most of existing networks.
Reduce costs as part of an eco-responsible purchasing policy.
F-Reg wished to formalise its own values and establish an ethical charter setting out the rules of behaviour that we respect as employees and managers.
The F-Reg values are not only displayed in our offices and on our communication media, but are also implemented on a daily basis. We disseminate this charter to our customers, partners and employees to affirm our uniqueness. We are implementing an innovative, people-centred approach.
The following values have been defined and agreed by the entire team : solidarity, respect and creativity.
Our expertise
We analyse the technical elements of the project beforehand to determine the best efficiency/cost/storage ratio with our technology.
F-Reg’s in-house design office enables us to design and size our valves, analysing mechanical resistance and thrust forces and complying with technical recommendations.
F-Reg valves are made to measure in 316l stainless steel, a durable and recyclable material. Most of our suppliers are French, although some technical parts may come from Germany or Spain.
We work in France and abroad. We install and maintain our systems.
Working at F-Reg
Find out more about the day-to-day work of our employees on video!
Éloïse Réale Hydraulic Studies Engineer in apprenticeship
Baptiste Guyard Technical Sales
Youssef Gholam Logistics Manager
Guillaume France Communications and Marketing Manager
Yannick Milhavet Technical Sales
Jeanne Lions CFO
Ghazi Kriaa Design and Production Manager
Nazrat Abdullah Designer Draughtsman.
Guy Mut Sales in apprenticeship
Baptiste Alleaume Sales in apprenticeshop
Florian Masclet Hydraulic Studies Engineer in apprenticeship
Kenzi Benhammouda Mechanical engineer in apprenticeship
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